Shipping and returns


What are my shipping options?

Our standard courier is UPS but we may use DHL or local alternatives based on your location.

Do you ship internationally?

At the moment we ship to all countries within the European Union (EU) and the US

If you live in another country and would like to purchase something, please send us an email and we'll try our best to make it happen.

Please note that occasional delays due to customs clearance may occur depending on your location.

When will my order ship?

All orders are processed and shipped within 1-5 business days. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation with a tracking number.

Will I have to pay duties and taxes?

All orders within the European Union are shipped on DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) basis, this means that taxes and duties are included in the final price.

For countries outside of the European Union orders are shipped on DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid) basis, meaning you may be liable to pay tax and duty upon receiving you package. Please note that customs policies vary widely from country to country. Any additional charge for reasons of customs clearance is the sole responsibility of the customer.

If you are shopping from the United States and you shop for over 800 USD (including shipping) in one order you will be required to pay taxes and duties on the entire order. 

How can I track my order?

When your order has been processed and shipped you will receive a shipping confirmation with a tracking number.

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, for orders within EU shipping is free for orders over 140 EUR.



What is your return policy?

Our return policy is 30 days from when you receive your order.

All items must be unused and in the same condition as when you received them.

How do I return my order?

  1. Go to returns center HERE,
  2. Fill in your order number and email address,
  3. Follow the steps to start your return.

If you have any questions or experience problems of some kind you can always contact us at

Can I exchange my items?

Yes, for orders within EU we offer one free exchange per purchase.

To change an item send us an email to with the order number as subject. In the email please tell us the size you would like to change to.

At the moment we can not make exchanges on orders outside of EU (US and other). If you wish to exchange an item please follow the steps above to return it and place a new order in our webshop.

 How much do I pay for my return?

For orders within EU 10 EUR will be deducted from the refunded amount to cover return shipping.

For orders outside of EU (US and other) a deduction corresponding to the return shipping costs will be made. We will let you know how much before we send you a shipping label.